What's the difference between fluid during arousal and discharge?

This might sound like a gross question, but I do need an answer! When my partner performs oral sex on me, I'm not sure if my vagina is moist because I'm wet or because I have vaginal discharge... which is what? Isn't it normal for a woman's vagina to be somewhat moist, and to have a little discharge? When a woman gets wet, how can she tell? And know the difference between that and discharge?

Also, my partner and I haven't tried intercourse yet (I am a virgin)... I've read your previous answer to a man who said his penis might be too big for his partner; I am worried that I'm too small/tight for my partner. It doesn't look easy for him to even enter, and I don't know how I can make my opening wider to accommodate him (how much foreplay, how long?). How much pain does the woman feel? Thanks a lot!!

Birth control options

Birth Control Basics

Birth control (or contraception) is any regimen or medicine used to prevent pregnancy.

Most birth control options are used by people with internal reproductive anatomy such as a uterus, vulva, and vagina, while only a few options are available for those with external reproductive anatomy such as a penis and testes.

View Resource Birth Control Basics

Do I need to stay home from class if I have chickenpox?

I've come down with chickenpox. Should I stay home from classes even though 90 percent of adults have already had it and are thus immune? If I take great care washing my hands and avoiding coughing anywhere but into the crook of my arm, will I be reasonably assured of not spreading it?


What is an abortion?

Abortion is the process of terminating a pregnancy. This can be done through two different methods: medication abortion or an in-clinic abortion. The different types of abortion may be used in varying circumstances, such as how long it has been since the pregnant person's last menstrual cycle, their health history, their preferences, and what services are available in their area.

View Resource What is an abortion?
Two characters talking with floating trans flag hearts

Transgender Health and Wellness Recommendations

Health guidelines for transgender people are unfortunately an under-researched topic. Most existing guidelines are extremely binary and based on sex assigned at birth, which comprises anatomy, body composition, and hormones. The research doesn’t offer much guidance for non-binary or intersex individuals. Knowing whether to follow existing female or male guidelines can therefore be confusing and often requires the guidance and support of a health care provider.

View Resource Transgender Health and Wellness Recommendations

Stress: The Basics

Stress is a normal psychological and physical reaction to the demands of life. Work, school, relationships, and daily hassles can often serve as stressors, or sources of stress. Stress isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Good stress, or eustress, pushes us to work harder. When this stress becomes overwhelming or hard to manage, it’s called distress and can impact your health.

View Resource Stress: The Basics