Birth control options

Birth Control Basics

Birth control (or contraception) is any regimen or medicine used to prevent pregnancy.

Most birth control options are used by people with internal reproductive anatomy such as a uterus, vulva, and vagina, while only a few options are available for those with external reproductive anatomy such as a penis and testes. However, more research is being done to expand options for those with external reproductive anatomy.

View Resource Birth Control Basics

Fingernails fray and chip all the time

Dear Alice,

My fingernails fray and chip all the time. I have tried many different nail polishes and nail hardener but nothing helps. I've been trying to grow my nails for the past year and I just can't seem to get them to grow. My mother and older sister don't have any problems getting their nails to grow. Please give me some tips on how to make my nails grow stronger and fast.

Does smoking marijuana increase your metabolism?

Dear Alice,

Is it true that your metabolism speeds up when you're high off pot? I heard that when you have the munchies after smoking marijuana, it doesn't matter what you eat because your metabolism is so fast. Please give me an answer!!

— Munchie Metabolism

Diet teas... or diet tease?

Dear Alice,

I just got a diet tea that contains senna. How is this herb bad for your health? Is it unsafe to drink it everyday to lose weight?

Thank you very much.