How to relieve pain from carpal tunnel syndrome?

My wife has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. She is interested in finding out what methods are available to relieve the pain. Of the methods available is there a treatment which will not have a long recovery period? We have 3 kids and it would be very difficult for her to be able to not use her hands for much more than a weekend.

Is it normal to spot with a NuvaRing?

I have been on the Nuvaring for three months now, and I am keeping it in for the four weeks then changing it because my doctor said there's no need for me to have a period. About two weeks ago I started having dark brown discharge and it has gotten more heavy, but only when I run or stand up real quick. Is this normal or should I call my doctor and find out what is going on?

Can I determine whether my girlfriend is a virgin?

I had my first sexual experience with my girlfriend a few months ago. She told me she was a virgin, but after having intercourse, I didn't believe her and was hurt. She didn't seem to be in any pain, there was no bleeding, and there was no hymen. She makes up all these excuses like "not all girls have them." Should I believe her? Is there a sure-fire way of determining whether or not I was her first? It is making me angry. Can you ease my pain?

How can I start practicing meditation, yoga, or tai-chi?

Recently I've been thinking a lot about ways to relieve my stress and other mental problems such as OCD and ADD and I have been hearing that meditation, yoga, tai-chi, etc. can possilby help with these problems that I have been suffering with all my life, but I am very confused as to which one would be the best for me.

Also, if I find out which one would work the best for me, how would I go about finding someone that could teach me these things? Or is a book a good way to go? If a book is a good way to go would you suggest one of those "The Complete Idiot's Guide to..." books?

Why have I stopped enjoying sex?

For the past month or so, I have not been able to enjoy sex with my boyfriend. Our sex life was great, but now I can't have an orgasm anymore. It doesn't even feel good anymore. I am able to get in the mood, but when we actually start having intercourse, it does not feel like it used to. Sometimes it will hurt a little and sometimes it won't. What's wrong with me?