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Birth Control Options – Lifestyle Options

While lifestyle options are typically the least effective at preventing pregnancy—aside from abstinence—they are often the most cost effective. However, they might involve some planning or communication between sexual partners to prevent sperm from fertilizing an egg. Lifestyle methods of birth control do not prevent against STIs, so be sure to use a barrier method if you are looking for protection.

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Surgical tools

Birth Control Options – Surgical Methods

These methods are considered permanent birth control or voluntary sterilization options because they involve a surgical procedure that’s generally difficult or expensive to reverse. Additionally, reversing this procedure does not ensure that your fertility will return to pre-procedure levels. And it’s important to note that these options do not protect against STIs.

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Sick and blowing nose

Common Cold Care

First signs of a common cold, also called an upper respiratory infection (URI), typically include a sore throat and runny nose, followed by coughing and sneezing. The common cold is caused by a virus. Antibiotics will not help you recover from a cold. If you catch a cold, it’s recommended that you get lots of rest, drink plenty of fluids, and avoid smoking and second-hand smoke. Colds can last from one to two weeks, but there are a number of ways to relieve symptoms. Over-the-counter (OTC) medications may help ease symptoms, but some products may contain medications or alcohol you don’t need or want. Always use as directed and consult your health care provider if you have questions, especially if you have a chronic health condition or are taking other prescription or OTC medications.

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Group of friends laughing

Communicating and Relating

Many people agree that communicating with others is scary. In fact, enough books on communication and relationships have been published to fill a library. When it comes to relating with fellow humans, there are a number of important factors to keep in mind:

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Student Resource

Counseling Services (CUIMC)

The Counseling Services of Student Health on Haven offers services from social workers, psychologists, and psychiatrists to provide short-term individual and group psychotherapy, psychiatric evaluations, and referrals for ongoing treatment with community-based providers as needed.

Student Resource

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) (Morningside)

Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) supports the psychological and emotional well-being of the Morningside campus community by providing counseling, consultations, and crisis interventions — all of which adhere to strict standards of confidentiality. Drop-In Counseling Offices offer the opportunity for students to meet with CPS counselors, without an appointment, when immediate support, resources or referrals are needed. 

Student Resource

Disability Services (CUIMC & Morningside)

Disability Services facilitates equal access for students with disabilities by coordinating accommodations and support services, cultivating a campus culture that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of students on the Morningside and CUIMC campuses. 

External Organization

Emergency 911

An emergency is any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, fire department or ambulance. Examples include:

Person sneezing

Flu (Influenza): Overview

The flu is a contagious respiratory illness caused by the influenza virus. It can cause illness ranging from mild to severe, and sometimes leading to hospitalization or death. Most people who get the flu will recover in a few days to less than two weeks. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination.

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