Showing 1201 - 1203 of 1203 results

Swim + Sauna = Red face


I swim three times a week for 40 minutes and sauna for 15. When I come out of the sauna my face is beet red and stays that way for about 1/2 hour — is this a sign of something wrong? Also, is it bad to work-out (sit-ups, push-ups) in the sauna?

— Flushed

Too much time with boyfriend!

Dear Alice,

I've been going out with my boyfriend for almost five months and I love him very much. We get along great and enjoy spending time together. However, sometimes I feel like we spend too much time together. I barely have time for work and school and still make him happy. If I tell him I'm busy he says he's okay with it, but later he gets mad at me for not making enough time for him and doesn't think I'm as committed to our relationship as he is.

Vegetarian — Can't wake up in the morning

Dear A.

I am a vegetarian and frequently feel like it takes a long time to "wake up" in the morning and some days I feel like I never quite get there. I can't help but think this may be diet related. I went to a doctor for a test for anemia which was negative and I always try to get a good nights' sleep (six to eight hours). In the past I have tried to gain weight and failed miserably. I remain a little underweight but get a good deal of exercise each day. Any ideas?

Not worried... just curious