Why am I experiencing pain in my clitoris?

1) i have been experiencing pain in my clitoris and generally in this area. It's a sharp pain that happens with the lightest touch, crossing my legs, or from wearing tight pants. I've never had this before and i'm wondering what it is. Also i've noticed the hood of the clitoris when pulled back, you can see like an inner layer of skin. Please i'm very worried, can you tell me what these may be? thanx

2) Is there anything that can be done for clitoral pain? I have a painful clitoris that swells, itches, and hurts throughout the month. I have had pain with this for years now and no doctor can find anything wrong with it. The only physical evidence is tiny white specks of discharge way back under the "hood." But if I pull back to look to see if there is anything wrong, it hurts immensely for days afterward. It interferes with my sex life with my husband because of the fear of pain if he touches the area. PLEASE let me know if there is a condition that this is related to or if there is any kind of cream that can minimize the pain. I have tried several kinds of Vagisil type treatments, but they do not help. Thank you.

Can breaking my penis affect its size?

Ok, I have a question. This goes along with the subject. I am older now but when I was about nine or ten, me and my friends used to rough house a lot, but sometimes I would accidentally get kneed in my penis and gentle areas, and I was wonderin' if it's normal for me to have a four inch dick, and that when my sperm comes out, it just rolls over and it's cleared? I want to know what's up with that and if there is any way I can get my penis to grow? I think b/c I got kneed kinda a lot there that it stopped my growth? I have had sex once. I have many offers, but I turned them down because I think my dick is too small. I was having sex and it was my first time so I needed some walk throughs, she said she didn't care about penis size, but when I was having intercourse, she made little moans and groans, but I don't think I was pleasing her and it made me feel bad. Why do I have to have a small dick? What can I do? I'll pay anything to get it bigger. Thank you so much. I appreciate this so much.

Possible to penetrate the cervix during sex?

I've read some other questions on here about men hitting the cervix with their penis and that the penis doesn't go through the cervix. I'm larger than average and my girlfriend is telling me that I'm actually going through the cervix. When we first started having sex it was very painful for her because she thought that I was penetrating the cervix. Now she's past it being painful but still thinks that I'm actually penetrating the cervix. My question is, is that possible?