How can I feel more comfortable with gynecological exams as a virgin?

1) I am 24 years old and still a virgin. I have health issues such as uterine fibroids. Therefore, I have to undergo certain tests like transvaginal ultra sounds and Pap smears. This bothers me as I feel very violated and feel like something has been taken from me that I can never get back. Doctors and medical technicians seem to lack concern during these situations. Mentally, I know these exams do not have an effect on my virginity, but how can I get over this feeling of being violated?

2) How soon after losing my virginity should I see a gynecologist for the first time?

Is my hair addicted to dandruff shampoos?

I have dandruff that responds well to over-the-counter shampoo. Ergo, I have been using the stuff almost exclusively for ten years. No brand in particular, sometimes zinc pyrithione (the blue stuff!), sometimes coal tar (the smelly brown stuff!). Anytime I switch to non-dandruff shampoo for like three to four days straight, I get my dandruff back. I worry that I might be addicted to dandruff shampoo. Should I worry?

What can I do to take care of my very oily hair and skin?

Ever since high school, I've had very oily hair and skin, but it became worse in college. Now I'm in my mid-twenties and have to shampoo my hair about 10 times each day to get it clean. Then by evening it's already oily again. This isn't my scalp trying to moisturize itself after being over cleaned, because I've tried not washing it completely and it's even oilier the next day.

Are there any special shampoos or medications that help reduce oily skin? I've tried some facial products from my dermatologist, but they haven't reduced the oil production. This is an embarrassing problem and limits the overnight activities I can do, like camping or staying with friends.

Are short sleeps and long naps healthy?

I find that I'm most alert late at night, and at school I'll stay up till three or four in the morning. Since I've had morning classes in the past, I've tried to form a habit of going to bed earlier — around midnight or one — but realistically, I don't think this is ever going to happen. I was thinking of trying, when I go back to school this fall, to go to bed around three or four and sleep for four hours, and then also take a four-hour nap during the day. Is this a good solution, or will I be more tired than if I sleep eight hours straight at night? Thanks!

Is not being allowed to spend time with friends a problem in a relationship?

1) I've been going out with my boyfriend for almost five months and I love him very much. We get along great and enjoy spending time together. However, sometimes I feel like we spend too much time together. I barely have time for work and school and still make him happy. If I tell him I'm busy he says he's okay with it, but later he gets mad at me for not making enough time for him and doesn't think I'm as committed to our relationship as he is.

This especially bothers me because I have pretty much lost my three best friends. They were never really crazy about him to begin with, but I didn't expect them to be best friends too. Ever since we have been going out, they do not ask me to do anything, yet I haven't really asked them to do anything either. I want to know how I can explain to him that even though I like spending time with him, I need time for other friends too. I don't plan on breaking up with my boyfriend, but if I did, I'm afraid my friends wouldn't take me back. I want to be able to make time for both.

2) My husband gets mad at me if I want to spend time with a friend. He says I don't have enough time for him. If I do spend time with a friend, he complains that everyone else is more important than he is because if I have enough time to spend with them I must have it to spend with him. I am only asking for one night out a month. We work together and spend every night together — is this asking a lot? My husband has no social life outside of me. If I don't want to spend all my time with my husband, does this mean I don't love him? He thinks so. What should I do? Help!!!