Allergies appear after relocation

I relocated to a new area within the past six months. Since then, I have been experiencing congestion in the morning and pressure in my sinus area, such as stuffed nose and difficulty breathing, at night when I lay on my back and in the morning. Although I do not have a cold, I seem to always have a small amount of drainage on a daily basis. Within the past week, I am sneezing quite a bit in the mornings and at night, my eyes are so itchy I can't help but rub them to a nice shade of red. I have never had allergies before, just for your info. Thanks for any tips.

Why does eating sugar make me sweat?

I have noticed that whenever I eat certain sugary foods — especially chocolates and hard candies — I break out into a cold sweat and feel extremely uncomfortable for about half an hour. I have no problem, however, with pure cane sugar (when I drink coffee or tea, for example). Is this a normal adrenaline reaction to sugar, or a certain type of sugar?

Condoms and a headstrong foreskin

I believe I have a mild case of phimosis. When my penis is not erect, I can retract my foreskin all the way back to reveal the glans. However, when I have a full erection, it is impossible to retract the foreskin to that extent. I can only retract it to reveal the slit and top part of the penis. Due to this problem, I have a question about condom use. I'm still a virgin, so I have never experienced intercourse using a condom. When I read the instructions on how to use a condom, they almost always instruct you to retract the foreskin completely if you are not circumcised. Since I cannot retract the foreskin while erect, is it still possible to use a condom without retracting the foreskin, and will this complication affect slippage of the condom or sensation problems during intercourse? On a side note, why is it recommended to retract the foreskin fully before putting on the condom? Thank you in advance.

Why am I experiencing pain in my clitoris?

1) i have been experiencing pain in my clitoris and generally in this area. It's a sharp pain that happens with the lightest touch, crossing my legs, or from wearing tight pants. I've never had this before and i'm wondering what it is. Also i've noticed the hood of the clitoris when pulled back, you can see like an inner layer of skin. Please i'm very worried, can you tell me what these may be? thanx

2) Is there anything that can be done for clitoral pain? I have a painful clitoris that swells, itches, and hurts throughout the month. I have had pain with this for years now and no doctor can find anything wrong with it. The only physical evidence is tiny white specks of discharge way back under the "hood." But if I pull back to look to see if there is anything wrong, it hurts immensely for days afterward. It interferes with my sex life with my husband because of the fear of pain if he touches the area. PLEASE let me know if there is a condition that this is related to or if there is any kind of cream that can minimize the pain. I have tried several kinds of Vagisil type treatments, but they do not help. Thank you.

Save own cum?

I have found no better lubricant for masturbation than my own pre-cum. Problem is, I have plenty of it sometimes, and not nearly enough at other times (usually when I have to do it in a hurry). I would like to store some up to use for those dry times by "milking" the stuff into a small glass vial or something. However, I wonder about whether it would "spoil" or start growing bacteria, etc. If so, would that matter, since I would be using it externally on my own penis? Any ideas on how best to store it?

How do I navigate a friends with benefits relationship?

1) You have so much information and advice for those who want to start, maintain, or end a relationship; but then there are people like me. I have no desire to be in a relationship with anyone. I'm a full time student, I work two jobs, and I like hanging out with my friends and family when I do have spare time. I'm not interested in the feelings, emotions, and time it takes to be in a relationship. Basically, I'll have sex with anyone before I even think about holding their hand. Then afterwards, the guy will usually end up getting his feelings hurt because I don't want to date him. Is there anything strange or unhealthy about this??

2) I have a good guy friend, and we were talking about friends with benefits. We said how sometimes you want the relationship, but then sometimes not. Then we were talking about how if you want just the perks without the ties, then why not with someone you know and trust. I asked him if he was looking at someone in particular, and he said no, and he asked me and I said not really. The dilemma is that I want to go that step with him. I want to become friends with benefits. But I'm afraid that if I talk to him about it, he'll freak out and reject the idea and I'll lose a friend. I don't know if he would really react that way, but I'm just afraid. We both seem to be looking for the same things and I've been feeling like this for a while now... Should I talk to him about it or just forget about it?

Late period

My period is late this month, and I'm afraid that I may be pregnant. The weird thing is, though, my partner and I never actually had actual sexual intercourse (in other words, there was no penetration). I'm wondering if the wet environment could still be a risk. I'm hoping that it's due to stress and fatigue with finals coming on that causing this delay. How long should I wait before getting tested?