Hope after meth abuse?

I have been trying to find information about the hope for recovery for previous meth users, but there doesn't seem to be a consensus. Some sources say that meth causes permanent damage to the brain, while others are a little more hopeful and say some important brain functions might recover.

I used meth about fifteen times, which I gather isn't a lot in comparison to other meth users but is still a considerable amount. For a while I have felt paranoid and anxious and it has been more difficult to perform daily tasks and just generally think straight. Also, things I used to enjoy are not really that enjoyable anymore.

My question is, will I be able to have my brain back? If so, how much of it? Will I ever go back to being my old self?

Big penis mistaken for erect one

In recent years, I have developed a slightly large penis. It isn't huge, only about 7.5 inches hard. The problem is that when limp, it is noticeable through my pants. Sometimes, I am accused of having erections when I do not have them and it is embarrassing when that happens. Also, it happens at places where that is very unacceptable, like family functions and work. Wearing briefs isn't an option because they are constrictive. If I wear baggy pants (which isn't really my style), that helps a little, but then I really do get erections too easily since there isn't anything putting up any resistance. What I really need to know is if there is a comfortable way to hide it that I have not thought of.

P.S.: Please nothing involving tape. It pulls off hairs when I take it off, but it does seem to hide it well when it's taped to my leg.

Getting the details on gonorrhea

1) What are the symptoms of gonorrhea?

2) How long of a time frame could you have gonorrhea and not know it? The doctors say you can't track how long you have had it so how do we know? I feel my last partner gave it to me and that was nine months ago. Is that possible?

Thanks. I can't get much information in regards to this subject so I have no idea. And it can't be received from sitting on a toilet or anything of that sort, correct?

Need help to start dating

I am beginning my sophomore year in college. Last year, I was disappointed to not become friendly with any women. I have been back a week and I'm looking to turn my situation around. I would like to start dating once and for all. Any suggestions?