What are sexual positions people with disabilities can try?

I have been dating this guy for ten years. We both have physical disabilities and therefore have very limited movement. However, we have complete sensation. We really want to have sex but are having difficulty with positioning. Since I have a little more movement than him, I am going to be the one who does most of it. We have had two very unsuccessful attempts and are getting very discouraged. We really love another, but are losing hope. Any ideas?

How long should I wait to use Viagra after using poppers?

I know that it is extremely dangerous to mix viagra (or other ED drugs) and poppers (amyl nitrate), and that one should wait for 24 hours after using viagra (to let it get out of your system) before using poppers. My question is what is the waiting period after using poppers before it is safe to use viagra? In other words, how long before the physiological effects of poppers wear off?