Why do my calves hurt when I walk?

I am a woman who has a family, full-time job, and a very busy life, generally.

Three years ago, I joined a local health club because I was not getting enough exercise. Since then, I have tried to work out three times a week. Every time I exercise on the treadmill, even though I am not running but only walking fast, I experience leg pain in the back of my calves. I have tried stretching to warm up but nothing seems to help. Do you have any suggestions? The pain in my calves is preventing me from increasing my speed and improving my conditioning. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have.

Is my hair loss due to my vegetarian diet?

I have been a vegetarian for two years. Since last year, I have been losing quite a bit of hair. I have no pattern of male baldness in either side of my family. I do take multi-vitamins everyday. My diet is fairly nutritious. Could there be any correlation between my vegetarianism and the hair loss? Some books point to folic acid deficiency so I have made an effort to buy vitamins with 100%-200% RDA recommended folic acid. Do you have any ideas on what might be causing this?

What are the health benefits of pomegranates?

I understand pomegranates are very good for you; being very high in antioxidants. How do you eat them? What about POM juice; is that just as good? How many ounces should I drink a day to be effective and yet not wasteful? Finally, pomegranate capsules bought in a health food store are much cheaper. Is a capsule a day just as effective?