Why is the inside of my vagina bumpy?

A woman wrote and asked you if her vagina was normal. You told her to get checked for STDs but you never answered her question. When she put her finger in her vagina, she felt bumps (she said: stalactites/stalagmites?) I, too, feel this and would like to know if this is normal. I've been to the doctor many times and have never been told that I have genital warts or herpes. Do they all have this kind of texture or am I not normal?

Why do my boyfriend's balls move on their own?

I have a weird question. My boyfriend and I were talking and he told me that men's balls move on their own throughout the day. I did not believe him so he showed me. He got undressed and laid back on the bed and told me to lift his penis and watch real close. I did and unbelievably, his balls moved. It's like they vibrated kind of like a heart beat. It was so cool. What makes a man's balls move alone?

Are there concerns about only eating peanut butter?

I am a student who is a very picky and health-conscious eater and have grown tired of the food offered in the cafeteria. A good portion of my dietary consumption is in the form of natural peanut butter. I can sit and consume half of a jar in one sitting because I get so hungry and it is the only thing that really satisfies my hunger. Is this a bad thing, and if it is, how can I go about fixing it?