How can I rev up my relationship?

What would you suggest I do to spice up my relationship with my boyfriend? We are no longer affectionate to each other like we used to be when we just met. Please help me. I am desperate for your advice.

How can I stop being jealous?

I am in a wonderful relationship with my girlfriend and we love each other very much, but I can't get over being jealous of certain little things. It is starting to get so bad that it is causing arguments between us. I try to control it, but sometimes I just can't help it. When she tells me any little thing that involves her with another guy, my first reaction is to get mad. How can I get rid of my jealousy, or change it?

What can I do about my coworker who's very religious?

This is my first time writing, so thank you for being available! I have searched the web for any insight but haven't found much. Here it goes...

I have a friend at work who is very religious. He's not outspoken or boisterous about it, but it is generally known. I tend to keep away from talk of religion/politics at the work place — I am an Agnostic. My problem is that this friend sends text message bible quotes around holidays. They are foreboding and very fire-and-brimstone like. I am unsure how to handle these.

In the past I have ignored the messages, but at work I am asked if I received the messages where I usually reply that I had my phone off, or that I had not. To which he will resend on the spot. If I say I have received the message, then he will attempt to chat about it, to which I am resistant. I see this person almost every day, and he is genuinely a nice person, but I cringe around holidays. Doing anything drastic I feel will make things awkward, but more subtle tactics have had no effect. I don't even mind "Bless you's" or "have a blessed new year!" It's the fear and power and almighty thunder that really rattles my nerves. I feel stuck, what other options do I have?

If my boyfriend hits me, should I go back to him?

I've been with my boyfriend for over two years now. We were great during the first year, but our relationship has become abusive. I remembered that I was the one who first laid a hand on my boyfriend. Then, that's when it all started. Every time we get into a fight, it frequently ends in violence. But now he becomes the aggressor. He's the one who hits me first. I don't hit back anymore, but this doesn't seem to stop him. He ended up taking me to the hospital to get stitches in my head after he hit me. The hospital asked questions and I covered up for him, but the police didn't believe me and arrested him. He said he's going to a counseling program to get better. He still loves me and realized the horrible things he has done. He said he wants to get back together after the program. Is there a chance for him to get better? Should I go back to him?

Do drug detox kits work?

I have a question. I read what you wrote about how long marijuana stays in the system. I have smoked every day for the last three months, but have now stopped completely. I am assuming it will stay in my system for three months. I regret this now. I want to look for a job and many firms drug test. I see on the web that there are kits that can be used to help pass the test. Do they work?

Thanks for your advice. I've never smoked before this and never will again!!! Thanks!

Are there benefits to taking psychedelics?

I have two concerns:

My boyfriend claims psychedelics open your mind to new ideas/perspectives and help you experience the "spiritual world." I maintain that anything you see or think is just a result from a brain overloaded on chemicals. However, I am beginning to feel closed-minded, and I would like to have your opinion on psychedelics — are they beneficial if used for a one-time experience, and will they immediately/permanently alter the way I view the world and myself? Given that I have doubts, should I even try anything this mind-altering? I have read your answers pertaining to short-/long-term effects, but I wanted to know if there was any actual evidence of the beneficial effects.

Is it possible to be permanently trapped in a trip?

I have heard that people can become trapped in their own world of hallucinations permanently from taking 'shrooms, acid, or other hallucinogens and have to live in a mental health facility because they are so out of touch with reality. I'm wondering is this true? And if so what is this medical condition called? I've heard of Hppd, but what I have read about it, it doesn't sound exactly the same. I'm also curious what the likelihood of this happening would be and if it is dependent on the use of many drugs, dosage, or the user's mental state or other preexisting health conditions that could affect this. I'm really hoping you can answer this question because I haven't found any reliable sources about this topic.

Thanks so much!