By Alice || Edited by Go Ask Alice Editorial Team || Last edited Apr 24, 2014
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Alice! Health Promotion. "How do I choose a new vibrator?." Go Ask Alice!, Columbia University, 24 Apr. 2014, Accessed 26, Jul. 2024.

Alice! Health Promotion. (2014, April 24). How do I choose a new vibrator?. Go Ask Alice!,

Dear Alice,

What does one do when they are desensitized to their vibrator and need to check a consumer report before investing in a new one?

— Rocking and rolling

Dear Rocking and rolling,

Consumer Reports™ has not yet rated vibrators and other sex toys; fortunately, other resources do have useful information. You can check out different types of vibrators and/or other sex products at the following on-line resources (to name just a few):

The sales personnel are well informed about the products they sell and can field any questions regarding vibrators and other sex toys, educating their consumers or their potential consumers. There are tips and additional information on choosing the best one for you on most of the websites as well!

In the meantime, you can become re-sensitized to your hand(s), finger(s), and other good sensations, by practicing. Compared to the feelings generated by your electric or battery-operated vibrator, it may take some time, patience, and exploration to adjust to the sensation of coming the ol' fashioned way. Similarly, when using your vibrator from now on, you can switch to a lower speed and/or intensity setting, limit direct contact, use some fabric or material (i.e., clothes, underwear, velvet) between you and the device, and/or regularly take it away from your clitoris and put it back again. It may be easier to go numb when you only place the power wand on your clitoris and just leave it there.

There are countless ways to stimulate yourself. Think of all the pleasurable possibilities and the fun you'll have discovering each and every one of them.

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